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Assessment of Financial Management System of Palestinian NGOs

In 2003, during two missions to Israel and the Palestinian Territories, ProVerde reviewed the financial management systems of five Aprodev partner organisations. Aprodev consists of ICCO, Novib (Oxfam), Christian Aid, DanChurchAid and EED. The five reviewed organisations were:
– PARC (Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees)
– PHG (Palestinian Hydrology Group)
– PMRS (Palestinian Medical Relief Society, formerly known as UPMRC);
– EJ-YMCA (East Jerusalem – Young Men’s Christian Association)
– DSPR (Department of Services to the Palestinian Refugees)

The assessment was conducted in close co-operation with two local accountancy firm: El Yousef & Co (correspondent firm of KMPG International) and Sa’adi, Orgaly, Daher (PricewaterhouseCoopers).

The main purpose of the assessment was to ensure that the Palestinian NGOs meet internationally accepted standards and norms, and to propose appropriate capacity building measures to the Aprodev agencies and partner organisations where financial management weaknesses are observed.
