CBI’s Export Development Programmes (EDP) for cut flowers are designed to help entrepreneurs in selected African countries to adapt to EU market requirements in order to create conditions for market entry or market consolidation. ProVerde has been involved in many parts of the programme.
Each country programme combined different elements: technical assistance, training in export marketing and management and market entry assistance. In Egypt for example, the programme mainly focused on logistic cooperation and certification. In Kenya, CBI was of the opinion that there is enough knowledge available in the country itself to help to companies to develop their product quality, so instead the programme focused on developing export marketing (including a market tour to the Netherlands), HRM skills of the middle managers, and cooperation between the farms. In Uganda, improvement of product quality and farm management were the main issues, next to marketing training.
ProVerde involvement encompassed, amongst which:
- Series of workshops on export marketing and corporate social responsibility.
- Market scan “Position of the Kenya flower industry in the EU”.
- Series of workshops on strategic planning and writing an export marketing plan.
- Individual farm counselling sessions.
- Market tour and meeting event.
- One-week seminar and market tour in The Netherlands.
- Seminar & on-farm training: “From Product to Market orientation”.
- Workshop “Internal and External Customer Orientation”.
- Workshop “Building partnerships in the European flower market”.
- Market tour and seminar.
- Strategic marketing seminar and clustered farm visits in Egypt.
- Seminar and clustered farm visits on Corporate Social Responsibility.
South Africa
- Workshops on entrepreneurial skills for flower exporters.
- Individual counselling session.
Market scans
In preparation of training missions, ProVerde carried out a number of market scans. The main objective of these market scans was to get a better understanding of strong and weak points of the floricultural sector in the specific African country and to identify opportunities and threats, all from the view of the European customer. Typically, a number of managers in the Netherlands flower industry were interviewed who have experience with cut flowers and foliage from that specific African country. The results of the market scan were used in the workshops and provided to the companies participating in the programme.
Handbook Cut Flowers
ProVerde compiled te ‘Handbook Cut Flowers’. The handbook is an information source and reminder of all topics discussed during the Export Coaching Programme for Cut Flowers in Egypt, Kenya, Uganda and Zambia. It will also help exporters deal with some practical problems. It contains useful checklists, exercises, practical worksheets, and questionnaires.