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Middle East potential for Ecuador flower producers

Are Ecuadorian growers able to face the African challengers in their own top segment?

In November CBI expert Milco Rikken shared the findings of a CBI market study on the Middle East rose market and the opportunities it holds for Ecuadorian companies.

Ecuador’s roses are regarded as top of the bill all over the world, but in many leading markets pressure from other producing countries is now being felt. With its young, wealthy and growing population, the Middle East flower market offers interesting opportunities. The question is: will Ecuadorian growers be able to face challenges in their own top segment?

In response to that question CBI expert Milco Rikken recently disseminated the findings of a CBI market study on the Middle East rose market and the opportunities it holds for Ecuadorian companies. The study was part of the Exportapaís project, in which CBI is supporting the Ecuadorian Government and ProEcuador in their efforts to diversify Ecuadorian exports.

Source: CBI News Item