WAFEX (2009)
WAFEX is the leading exporter of cut flowers (fresh and dried) in Australia. In 2009, seeing an opportunity to become the world’s leading source of new waxflower (Chamelaucium) varieties, WAFEX established their new company Helix Australia. Having secured a range of new and improved waxflower varieties, Helix Australia is developing networks of licensed growers locally and overseas in both the cut flower and nursery industries.
To support further development of the both WAFEX and HELIX, ProVerde was asked to carry out a market study on the EU waxflower market. The market study particularly focused on obtaining insight into the distribution chain and leading sales channels for waxflowers. What is the role of different types of wholesalers, bouquet makers, wholesale markets, types of retailers, etc. Where do waxflowers end up (main countries, players/buyers, market shares, preferences)? The study resulted in a number of ideas for future market and product development in terms of volumes, target channels and markets, and colours and variety characteristics.