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Workshop EU Market Research in Vietnam

In April, about 30 Vietnames exporters participated in a joint CBI and ITPC workshop about Market Research. The course, which was carried out with collaboration by ProVerde, aims to provide exporters with knowledge, skills and tools to collect and analyse data about EU markets, EU buyers, and EU restrictions to export/trade and trade channels.

The market research workshops are designed to be practical and focus around individual and group exercises to complement the short blocks of theory.

Among the topics dealt with in the workshop are:

  • What is market research, primary & secondary research, desk & field research
  • Market research process
  • Online and offline market information sources
  • Free market information sources on the internet
  • What are market access requirements, and where to find them
  • Search engines, portals & directories
  • Finding buyers through online sources such as online business directories, trade associations and E-marketplaces
  • Market Research Strategies
  • Interview techniques

Source: ProVerde
